Anna Fritsch-Weninger | October 25, 2023

Azure Meetup Frankfurt: Unlocking the Potential: Integrating GPT via Azure AI for Enhanced Power Automate Flow

Azure Meetup Frankfurt on October 25, 16:00-17:30

Title of the Presentation:

Unlocking the Potential: Integrating GPT via Azure AI for Enhanced Power Automate Flow


Join us for a breakout session designed for individuals with experience in Power Automate, Python, and Microsoft Azure, as well as those looking to expand their knowledge of these technologies and explore the programming capabilities of GPT through Azure AI. In this demo-driven session, we will explore how to enable web applications to interact with GPT models and process the results of AI requests. You will learn how to create a collaborative Power Automate workflow that invokes GPT via Azure AI using HTTP/Azure Functions and delivers processed data back to Microsoft 365. Harness the power of language models and streamline your workflows with this informative tutorial.

Speaker: Anna Fritsch-Weninger

Microsoft MVP | Expert Cloud Solutions at ACP IT Solutions

MVP Profile: Blog:

Registration directly through Azure Meetup Frankfurt: