Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger | June 7, 2023

Open AI Presentation

In this presentation, we will demonstrate how Large Language AI Models can help make the transformation in service management more efficient and cost-effective. With practical examples and clever techniques, we will introduce a highly innovative approach to optimizing service desks and services. Given the growing challenges of skilled labor shortages and rising costs, this presents a promising solution for numerous other scenarios.

Because, let’s be honest, which employee or customer is satisfied with boring service desks and slow services anymore? Additionally, the aim is to reduce the workload on your employees while simultaneously increasing customer satisfaction.

This presentation is intended for all companies that are tired of the old-fashioned service management standards and want to stay up to date. Sounds good, right? So come on over and let us show you how to rock service management the right way!

Keynote | Individuality, Creativity, Motivation, Teamwork - The Key Ingredients for Tomorrow’s Success

Speaker: Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Markus Hengstschläger, Scientist and Bestselling Author
