News Blog
Barbara Hinderer | December 6, 2023

Customized ACP Chatbot: Tailored Integration on Azure OpenAI

A black and orange cell phone on a cracked surface.

Customized ACP Chatbot: Tailored Integration on Azure OpenAI

At the IT Days Frankfurt, Damir Dobric presents an insightful session titled “Microsoft Semantic Kernel and Azure OpenAI – Deep Dive,” providing a groundbreaking perspective on technological innovations. In this impressive presentation, developers, especially in the .NET sphere, will discover how to leverage the expert knowledge of Microsoft’s Semantic Kernel to explore the boundless potential of Azure OpenAI and Large Language Models. This includes generating new models for creative and innovative content using generative model types.

Moreover, Damir explains how novel applications can replace traditional user interfaces through speech interaction. He illuminates various types of LLM models (Embedding, Completion, ChatCompletion models) and demonstrates how existing models can be expanded within a company’s context using newer and more comprehensive concepts.

Illustrating this concept is the creation of a Copilot that computes fiction. Imagine 🤔 your company has developed groundbreaking technology based on a new theory. This technology enables the creation of a personalized assistant, a Copilot, capable of calculating fictions and executing contractions. 🚀 The fiction theory developed allows for fiction calculations, complemented by an innovative method to measure contractions in a new unit called Sklum.

When entering the specific sentence “Please calculate the fiction between a stone and Alpha Centauri using a contraction jump of 150 Sklums” into the GPT-Chat, it becomes evident that it induces confusion in most individuals. This confusion arises from referencing an entirely new invention and concepts beyond the usual context, rendering them not universally comprehensible.

In his highly informative presentation, Damir demonstrates how such complex inquiries can be resolved within a new semantic structure tailored to your context. The combination of Semantic Kernel and Azure OpenAI thus opens numerous possibilities for developers to craft innovative and intelligent applications, elevating AI development to new heights.

This talk offers an exciting journey 🌏 into the realm of new software and is essential for experts interested in intelligent application development and staying abreast of the latest advancements in their field. For further details and registration, please visit 

Why do we ask our applicants about the meaning of the number 42?

The number 42 holds a special significance in the IT industry due to its reference in the science fiction novel “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” by Douglas Adams. In the story, an immensely powerful computer is tasked with finding the answer to the ultimate question about the meaning of life, the universe, and everything. After seven million years of computation, this computer eventually provides the seemingly simple answer “42”.

This reference has gained a significant status within IT culture and is often humorously quoted or used as a symbol for the quest for the ultimate answer in technology and life. It has become somewhat of an insider symbol or joke in the IT community, signifying the complexity of some questions or problems that seemingly have no clear solution.

The question about the meaning of the number 42 is often posed in job interviews or selection processes to test applicants’ creativity, thinking abilities, and approach to unusual or unexpected problems.

By asking a question like “What is the meaning of the number 42?”, the aim is not necessarily to elicit a concrete or “correct” answer, but rather to assess the applicant’s approach to what appears to be an absurd or ambiguous question. Employers often want to see how applicants handle unusual or complex problems, whether they can think creatively, develop a solution, and perhaps consider a problem from different perspectives.