News Blog
Barbara Hinderer | January 18, 2023

dotNET knowledge transfer from developers to developers

A purple robot is holding a phone.

The last month of the year 2022 was dedicated to the annual .NET Conference. A highlight for all .NET developers! As part of the .NET Conference, our developers at daenet gave several presentations on topics such as Object-Oriented Programming with C#/NET, DevOps, and ML at the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences.

The knowledge journey begins with Episode 1.

On November 14th, it started with the first session - Episode 1:Object Oriented Programming More about it here: Episode 1 Meetup

The number of participants was around 100 listeners, mainly present in the lecture hall of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences, with some participants joining in a hybrid format.

Episode 2 followed on December 5th with the theme. Introduction to DevOps . Mehr dazu hier

The daenet lecture series concluded with a fantastic Episode 3 session on December 12th, focusing on the topic of ML.NET with TensorFlow

“Resources for our presentations”

All resources for the sessions are available in the Azure Meetup Frankfurt GitHub Repository and on daenet YouTube Kanal to be found at: Object Oriented Programming, Introduction to DevOps, Dependency Injection in C#, Configuration in NET/C#

What is the #dotnetconf about

Those looking to enhance their knowledge in .NET technologies cannot miss the .NET Conference #dotnetconf. With presentations, DevSessions, and workshops, programmers have diverse opportunities to further their expertise in important .NET topics. The .NET Conf has always been a virtual event and has now garnered over 100 thousand live viewers, sponsoring hundreds of local events around the world.

What innovations from 2022 do we recommend?

At the .NET Conference 22, the launch of the new version of .NET was announced. There are plenty of innovations and improvements in .NET 7 and the associated frameworks and programming languages.

The recordings for that are here available.